Derek “The Cyber Warrior” Scheller
Derek Scheller, Jr. - also known as The Cyber Warrior, founded Cyber Warrior Studios to help develop a community of inclusivity and growth. Far too much of the community struggles with their ability to enter the field of information security based on not knowing how to get started, or simply feeling the effects of imposter syndrome – due to their opinions being undervalued or lack of meaningful opportunity.
To help accomplish this Cyber Warrior Studios releases regularly scheduled online episodes of Motivation Monday and Security Happy Hour. These are meant to drive involvement in the community through interactive discussion. Derek, who has a strong familial support system in his personal life, knows that the support of the IT and Cyber community in its entirety is what allows him to provide this resource to all, and continue to drive towards building a new definition of the ‘table’, that everyone has a chance to gain their seat over time.